Yearly Archives: 2016

Brexit is a reality!
June 27, 2016
Index Options

Brexit is a reality!

Richard Croft

Brexit is a reality! Despite the betting odds, despite the financial markets’ expectation that we would see a “remain” outcome, the British electorate knowing for bucking the odds voted to exit the European Union. And now we face the inevitable fallout. Unfiltered headline noise will set the stage this week. Witness the...

8 years ago
Gold versus Gold Stocks
June 20, 2016
Bullish Outlook

Gold versus Gold Stocks

Richard Croft

Gold has been on a tear recently. Not because of any real change in supply demand metrics. This is all about defensive positioning against a perceived devaluation of paper currency. In short gold bulls are playing the crisis insurance card… again! I am not about to tell you to buy gold. I’ve talked about it in the past but...

8 years ago
Could Rates Go Lower?
June 13, 2016

Could Rates Go Lower?

Richard Croft

Could we see lower interest rates? On the surface it seems counterintuitive with North American rates near zero and a Federal Reserve on a track to normalization. But with some industrialized economies – notably Switzerland, Germany and Japan – issuing debt with negative rates, near zero is beginning to look like the best...

8 years ago
Equivalent Option Positions
June 07, 2016
Trading Idea

Equivalent Option Positions

Richard Croft

In the past couple of months, I authored three commentaries talking about covered straddles. There was the blog on Bombardier (April 18, 2016), another on energy stocks (May 3, 2016) and finally one on gold stocks (May 9, 2016). I call it the double up double down approach to investing. Without re-hashing the specifics of the...

8 years ago
Moving Beyond the Basics with the Covered Call Strategy
June 01, 2016
Neutral Outlook

Moving Beyond the Basics with the Covered Call Strategy

Alan Grigoletto

Once investors learn the basics of both buying and selling calls and puts, the next natural progression is learning how to use options in conjunction with long stock, ETF or Indices. The covered call is a widely used strategy that is appropriate for a neutral or slightly bullish forecast. It is simple in its essence, but like...

8 years ago
Betting on A Volatile Finish to the Year
June 01, 2016

Betting on A Volatile Finish to the Year

Patrick Ceresna

There has been no shortage of volatility in the Canadian stock markets over that last year. It was April of 2015 that saw the S&P/TSX60 top at the 905.00 level and usher in a 9-month bear market decline that wiped out 25% of the value of the TSX down to the 680.00 level in January 2016. Over the last 4 months, the...

8 years ago
Is it real?
May 31, 2016
Bullish Outlook

Is it real?

Richard Croft

The TSX composite index finished higher for a third consecutive day. Might have been four had Monday not been a holiday. But… is it real? Mindful that a three-day rally does not make a bull market it appears there has been a major change in sentiment. Rallying in the face of higher oil prices is a shift in sentiment. As is...

8 years ago
ESP For Option Traders
May 31, 2016
Bullish Outlook

ESP For Option Traders

Richard Croft

A covered call strategy carries about 50% to 70% of the risk associated with a long equity position. We accept that thesis as a rule of thumb, but how does one square that position mathematically? The simple answer is to evaluate the downside protection accorded by the premium. We receive more money and, by extension, more...

8 years ago
Loonie Strength Not Likely To Continue
May 25, 2016
Currency Options

Loonie Strength Not Likely To Continue

Jason Ayres

There are few considerations for a strengthening U.S. Dollar which will inevitably push commodity prices lower and the Loonie along with it. Economic issues abroad remain unresolved U.S. Economy remains the “lessor of all evils” Continued divergent monetary policy foster a “race to the bottom” Possible...

8 years ago
Playing Defence with Cash Secured Puts?
May 16, 2016

Playing Defence with Cash Secured Puts?

Richard Croft

I have a love hate relationship with Canadian financial institutions. Canadian banks are tough competition for someone in the money management business. As an investment however, they are well capitalized – more than can be said for many European banks – and pay healthy dividends, which are bumped up on a regular basis. Or...

8 years ago
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